Keeping Construction Workers Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Every construction project is different and unique, and what is feasible and appropriate for any one
project will depend on its unique characteristics. That said, the prevention tips that construction
contractors may want to implement, include the following:

• Any employee/contractor/visitor showing symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to leave
the jobsite and return home.
• Safety meetings will be by telephone, if possible. If safety meetings are conducted in-person,
attendance will be collected verbally and the foreman/superintendent will sign-in each
attendee. Attendance will not be tracked through passed-around sign-in sheets or mobile
devices. During any in-person safety meetings, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10
people and participants must remain at least six (6) feet apart.
• Employees must avoid physical contact with others and shall direct others
(employees/contractors/visitors) to increase personal space to at least six (6) feet, where
possible. Where work trailers are used, only necessary employees should enter the trailers
and all employees should maintain social distancing while inside the trailers.
• All in-person meetings will be limited. To the extent possible, meetings will be conducted by
• Employees will be encouraged to stagger breaks and lunches, if practicable, to reduce the
size of any group at any one time to less than ten (10) people.
• The Company understands that due to the nature of its work, access to running water for
hand washing may be impracticable. In these situations, the Company will provide, if
available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers and/or wipes.
• Employees should limit the use of co-workers’ tools and equipment. To the extent tools
must be shared, the Company will provide alcohol-based wipes to clean tools before and
after use. When cleaning tools and equipment, consult manufacturing recommendations for
proper cleaning techniques and restrictions.
• Employees are encouraged to limit the need for N95 respirator use, by using engineering and
work practice controls to minimize dust. Such controls include the use of water delivery and
dust collection systems, as well as limiting exposure time.
• The Company will divide crews/staff into two (2) groups where possible so that projects can
continue working effectively in the event that one of the divided teams is required to
• As part of the division of crews/staff, the Company will divide employees into dedicated
shifts, at which point employees will remain with their dedicated shifts for the reminder of
the project. If there is a legitimate reason for an employee to change shifts, the Company
will have sole discretion in making that alteration.

• Employees are encouraged to minimize ride-sharing. While in vehicles, employees must
ensure adequate ventilation.
• If practicable, each employee should use/drive the same truck or piece of equipment every
• In lieu of using a common source of drinking water, such as a cooler, employees should use
individual water bottles.
Workers entering Occupied Building and Homes
• Construction and maintenance activities within occupied homes, office buildings, and other
establishments, present unique hazards with regards to COVID-19 exposures. Everyone
working within such establishments should evaluate the specific hazards when determining
best practices related to COVID-19.
• During this work, employees must sanitize the work areas upon arrival, throughout the
workday, and immediately before departure. The Company will provide alcohol-based wipes
for this purpose.
• Employees should ask other occupants to keep a personal distance of six (6) feet at a
minimum. Workers should wash or sanitize hands immediately before starting and after
completing the work.
Job Site Visitors
• The number of visitors to the job site, including the trailer or office, will be limited to only
those necessary for the work.
• All visitors will be screened in advance of arriving on the job site. If the visitor answers
“yes” to any of the following questions, he/she should not be permitted to access the
o Have you been confirmed positive for COVID-19?
o Are you currently experiencing, or recently experienced, any acute respiratory illness
symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
o Have you been in close contact with any persons who has been confirmed positive
for COVID-19?
o Have you been in close contact with any persons who have traveled and are also
exhibiting acute respiratory illness symptoms?
• Site deliveries will be permitted but should be properly coordinated in line with the
employer’s minimal contact and cleaning protocols. Delivery personnel should remain in
their vehicles if at all possible.
Keeping Construction Workers Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Personal Protective Equipment and Work Practice Controls
• In addition to regular PPE for workers engaged in various tasks (fall protection, hard hats,
hearing protection), the Company will also provide:
o Gloves: Gloves should be worn at all times while on-site. The type of glove worn
should be appropriate to the task. If gloves are not typically required for the task,
then any type of glove is acceptable, including latex gloves. Employees should avoid
sharing gloves.
o Eye protection: Eye protection should be worn at all times while on-site.
o NOTE: The CDC is currently not recommending that healthy people wear N95
respirators to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Nevertheless, employees should
wear N95 respirators if required by the work and if available.
• Due to the current shortage of N95 respirators, the following Work Practice Controls
should be followed:
o Keep dust down by using engineering and work practice controls, specifically
through the use of water delivery and dust collection systems.
o Limit exposure time to the extent practicable.
o Isolate workers in dusty operations by using a containment structure or distance to
limit dust exposure to those employees who are conducting the tasks, thereby
protecting nonessential workers and bystanders.
• Institute a rigorous housekeeping program to reduce dust levels on the jobsite